Carolin Schuster


Room: FMI 01.05.060
E-Mail: carolin.schuster(AT)
Address: I11, TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching

Research Interests

  • Interpretability of Large Language Models
  • Semantics of Word Embeddings
  • Utilization of Word Representations for Social Research, with a special focus on Topics, Attitudes & Bias
  • Tokenization & Compositionality

Supervision of Theses / Guided Research

If you are looking for a thesis or guided research topic and are motivated to work on a project related to my research interests, don't hesitate to contact me via email! Please attach your CV, Transcript of Records, and a short motivational statement (< 400 words).

I am currently looking for students to explore the topics below. Applications will be reviewed after August 31, 2023. Please state your specific motivation for the topic of your choice.

  • [Master Thesis] Relationship of Bias in Pretraining, Finetuning and Task Data - In this project you will use different methods to analyze bias in pretrained and finetuned LLMs, and investigate the relationships
  • [Guided Research] Segmentation and Plausibility of Feature Attribution Methods for NLP - In this project you will analyze the impact of different segmentation choices on the plausibility of explanations by feature attribution methods
  • [Guided Research] LLM-assisted Construction of a Corpus on Sustainable Product Reviews - This project entails two things: Creating the corpus and optimizing the process of its creation with LLMs
  • [Guided Research / Master Thesis (scope will differ)] BERTitude: Exposing User Attitudes in Language Model Embeddings - In this project you will modify the BERTopic pipeline to reveal "topics" concerning specific entities/products