Alexander Lehmann
Dr. rer. nat, Dipl.-Inform.

- E-Mail: lehmanna(AT)
Research Interests:
- Social Situation Models
- Machine Learning Models for Interaction Geometry
- Co-Activity Detection
- Georg Groh, Alexander Lehmann, Tianyu Wang, Stefan Huber, Felix Hammerl: “Applications For Social Situation Models”, Proc. Wireless Applications 2010, (WAC2010), Freiburg, Germany, July 2010
- Georg Groh, Alexander Lehmann, Jonas Reimers, Rene Friess, Loren Schwarz: “Detecting Social Situations from Interaction Geometry”, Proc. IEEE SocialCom 2010, Minneapolis USA, August 2010
- Georg Groh, Alexander Lehmann and Manuel de Souza: “Mobile Detection of Social Situations with Turn Taking Patterns”, Proc. WAC2011, Rome, Italy
- Georg Groh, Christoph Fuchs, Alexander Lehmann: “Combining Evidence for Social Situation Detection”, Proc. IEEE Socialcom2011, Boston, USA
- Georg Groh and Alexander Lehmann: Deducing evidence for social situations from dynamic geometric interaction data, Int. J. Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems, Volume 1, Number 2, 2011, pp. 206 - 222, (Invited journal contribution based on Georg Groh, Alexander Lehmann, Jonas Reimers, Rene Friess, Loren Schwarz: “Detecting Social Situations from Interaction Geometry”, Proc. IEEE SocialCom 2010, Minneapolis USA, August 2010 )
- Alexander Lehmann: Mobile Social Situation Detection, PhD Thesis TUM, 2015