Georg Groh
Prof. Dr.

- Room: FMI 01.05.059
- E-Mail: grohg(AT)
- Phone: +49-89-289-18678
- Mobile Phone: +49-179-7953901
- Address: TUM - Fakultät für Informatik, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching
- Consultation Hour / Sprechstunden: 00:00-24:00 but ONLY after 3-way handshake via email!!!
Research Interests:
- Modern NLP for Social Computing
- Mobile / Contextual Social Networking
- Mobile Social Signal Processing / Detection of Social Situations
- NLP methods for characterizing social relations
- Social Recommender Systems
- Applications of Social Context
- NLP-based opinion mining
- Socio-technical systems supporting a healthier lifestyle
The following list of publications may be not one hundred per cent up to date. Please refer to my Google Scholar page for the latest stuff.
- Georg Groh: “Husimidichte und Phasenraumentropien für zweidimensionale Quantensysteme mit gemischt-regulär-chaotischer klassischer Dynamik” (Husimi-Density and Phase-Space Entropies for two-dimensional Quantum-Systems with Mixed Regular-Chaotic Classical Dynamics), Diploma-thesis in theoretical Physics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 153 pages, Jan.1997
- Georg Groh: “Applying Text Classification Methods to the Mapping of Simple Extensional Ontologies for Community Information Management”, Diploma thesis in Computer Science / Informatics, University of Kaiserslautern / Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany, 115 pages, Feb. 2001
- Georg Groh “Ad-Hoc-Groups in Mobile Communities – Detection, Modeling and Applications”, PhD-thesis in Computer Science / Informatics, Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany, 254 pages, Feb. 2005
- Georg Groh “Contextual Social Networking”, Habilitation thesis in Computer Science / Informatics, Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany, 625 pages, Sept. 2012. 229 page electronic version without the included papers: 625 page pdf version with included papers:
Refereed Conference Papers
- Martin S. Lacher, Georg Groh: “Facilitating the exchange of explicit knowledge through ontology mappings”, Proc. 14th International FLAIRS conference, AAAI Press, S.305-309, Key West, USA, Mai 2001
- Christian Hillebrand, Georg Groh, Michael Koch: “Mobile Communities - Extending Online Communities into the Real World (Long Version)”, Proc. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2002 (MKWI2002) - Mobile and Collaborative Business, Nürnberg, Germany, 2002
- Michael Koch, Georg Groh, Christian Hillebrand: “Mobile Communities - Extending Online Communities into the Real World (Short Version)”, Proc. Americas Conf. on Information Systems (AMCIS2002), Dallas, USA, Aug. 2002.
- Oliver Brakel, Georg Groh, Christian Hillebrand, Andreas Tasch: “Privacy-Einstellungen bei Lokalisierungsdiensten” (Privacy Settings in Location-Based Services) Proc. MKWI04, Essen, Germany, March 2004
- Wolfgang Woerndl, Georg Groh, Karlheinz Toni: “Semantic Blogging Agents: Weblogs and Personalization in the Semantic Web”, Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs, Stanford, USA, March 2006
- Georg Groh: “Groups and Group Instantiations – Detection Modeling and Applications” Proc. AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM07), Boulder, Co, USA, March 2007
- Ruth Cobos, Clarissa Falge, Georg Groh: “Sistema multiagente para el mantenimiento de las áreas de conocimiento que ofrece el sistema de gestión de conocimiento” (A Multi-Agent System for the Maintenance of Areas of Expertise in a Knowledge Management System), Proc. DESMA07, Saragossa, Spain, September 2007
- Georg Groh, Christian Ehmig: “Recommendations in Taste Related Domains: Collaborative Filtering vs. Social Filtering”, Proc. ACM Group07, Sunibel Island, USA, Nov 2007
- Andreas Nauerz, Georg Groh: “Implicit Social Network Construction and Expert User Determination in Web Portals”, Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium on Social Information Processing, Stanford University, USA, 2008
- Sam Zeini, Nils Malzahn, H. Ulrich Hoppe, Joachim Hafkesbrink, Ulrich Mill, Georg Groh, Thomas Schauf, Roland Westermaier, Oliver Pfeiffer, Hartmut Scholl: “Ansätze zur softwareunterstützten Kompetenzentwicklung in innovationsgetriebenen Berufen der Digitalen Wirtschaft. Virtuelle Organisationen und Neue Medien 2008” (Approaches for Software-Supported Development of Competencies in Innovation-Driven Professions in Digital Economy), Proc. GeNeMe 2008, pp. 229-240, Dresden, Germany, 2008
- Wolfgang Woerndl, Georg Groh: “A Social Item Filtering Approach for a Mobile Semantic Desktop Application”, Proc. AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium on Social Semantic Web (SSW), Stanford, CA, March 2009
- Henrik Mühe, Wolfgang Wörndl, Georg Groh: “Realisierung eines dezentralen Recommender Systems für PDAs” (A Decentralized Recommender System for PDAs), Proc. 4. Konferenz Mobilität und mobile Informationssysteme (MMS 2009), Münster, Germany, March 2009
- Rene Friess, Martin Kleinhans, Florian Forster, Florian Echtler, Georg Groh: “A Multi-Touch Tabletop-Interface for Applying Collaborative Creativity Techniques“, Video, ACM Intl. Conf. on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2009 (Tabletop09), Banff, Canada, Nov 2009
- Michele Brocco, Georg Groh: “A Meta Model for Team Recommendations in Open Innovation Networks”, Short Paper, Proc. Third ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 09), Oct 2009, NY, USA
- Rene Friess, Florian Forster, Michele Brocco, Georg Groh: ”On the Impact of Chat Communication on Computer-Supported Idea Generation Processes“, First Intl. Conf. on Computational Creativity 2010 (ICCC10), Lissabon, Portugal, Jan. 2010
- Michael Reinhardt, Rene Friess, Georg Groh, Michael Amberg: “Web 2.0 driven Open Innovation Networks - A Social Network Approach to support the Innovation Context within Companies”, Proc. MKWI 2010, Göttingen, Germany, Feb. 2010
- Georg Groh, Alexander Lehmann, Tianyu Wang, Stefan Huber, Felix Hammerl: “Applications For Social Situation Models”, Proc. Wireless Applications 2010, (WAC2010), Freiburg, Germany, July 2010
- Rene Friess, Georg Groh, Michael Reinhardt: “Supporting Open Innovation Communities by an Interactive Network Visualization”, Proc. Web-Based Communities 2010 (WBS2010), Freiburg, Germany, July 2010
- Rene Friess, Martin Kleinhans, Florian Forster, Florian Echtler, Georg Groh: “A Tabletop Interface For Generic Creativity Techniques”, Proc. Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2010 (IHCI2010) Freiburg, Germany, July 2010
- Michele Brocco, Georg Groh, Florian Forster: “A Meta Model for Team Recommendations”, Proc. SocInfo2010, Laxenburg, Austria, October 2010
- Georg Groh, Alexander Lehmann, Jonas Reimers, Rene Friess, Loren Schwarz: “Detecting Social Situations from Interaction Geometry”, Proc. IEEE SocialCom 2010, Minneapolis USA, August 2010
- M. R. Frieß, N. Klügel, and G. Groh: “lzrdm - collaborative multi-touch sequencer”; Proc. of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010 (Demo-Video), Saarbrücken, Germany, Nov. 2010
- Georg Groh and Jan Hauffa: “Characterizing Social Relations via NLP-based Sentiment Analysis”, Proc. AAAI ICWSM 2011, Barcelona, Spain
- Georg Groh, Alexander Lehmann and Manuel de Souza: “Mobile Detection of Social Situations with Turn Taking Patterns”, Proc. WAC2011, Rome, Italy
- Niklas Klügel, René Frieß, Georg Groh, Florian Echtler: “An Approach to Collaborative Music Composition”, Proc. NIME2011, Oslo, Norway
- Niklas Klügel and Georg Groh: “Towards Mapping Timbre to Emotional Affect”, Proc. 13th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2013
- Niklas Klügel and Gerhard Hagerer and Georg Groh „Designing Sound Collaboratively - Perceptually Motivated Audio Synthesis“, NIME 2014
- Florian Schulze, Georg Groh “Conversational Context Helps Improve Mobile Notification Management” ACM Mobile HCI 2016, Florence, Italy
- Christoph Fuchs, Cordt Voigt, Oriana Baldizan and Georg Groh: „ Explicit and Latent Topic Representations of Information Spaces in Social Information Retrieval“, ENIC2016 The third European network conference, Wroclaw, 2016
- Christoph Fuchs and Georg Groh: “Routing of Queries in Social Information Retrieval using Latent and Explicit Semantic Cues” ENIC2016 The third European network conference, Wroclaw, 2016
- Nadja Sahinagic, Nadja Leipold, Hanna Schäfer, Mira Madenach, Kurt Gedrich, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar, Georg Groh: “Can an Automated Personalized Nutrition Assistance System Successfully Change Nutrition Behavior?” ICIS 2016, International Conference on Information Systems
- Sailer, M., Schafer, H. and Groh, G.: Group Motivation for Social Games. In: Burghardt, M., Wimmer, R., Wol, C. and Womser- Hacker, C. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2017 - Tagungsband. Regensburg: Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V., 2017.
- Hanna Schafer, Joachim Bachner, Sebastian Pretscher, Georg Groh, and Yolanda Demetriou: "Study on Motivating Physical Activity in Children with Personalized Gamied Feedback.", ACM UMAP, Singapore, Singapore, 2018.
- Moeed, A., Hagerer, G., Dugar, S., Gupta, S., Ghosh, M., Danner, H., ... and Groh, G. (2020, May). An evaluation of progressive neural networksfor transfer learning in natural language processing. In Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 1376-1381).
- Moeed, A., An, Y., Hagerer, G., and Groh, G. (2020, May). Evaluation metrics for headline generation using deep pre-trained embeddings. In Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 1796-1802).
Rieger, D., Kuempel, A., Wich, M., Kiening, T., Groh, G. (2021). Assessing the Prevalence and Contexts of Hate Speech in Fringe Communities: A Case Study of Alt-Right Communities on 8chan, 4chan, and Reddit. In Proceedings of 71st Annual ICA Conference
Pellegrini, C., Özsoy, E., Wintergerst, M. and Groh, G. (2021). Exploiting Food Embeddings for Ingredient Substitution. In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 4: HEALTHINF, ISBN 978-989-758-490-9, pages 67-77. DOI: 10.5220/0010202000670077.
S. Halim, G, Groh: Social Context Contribution to Group Recommender Systems, in Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications (COLLA 2020), 2020, pp. 8–17
Refereed Workshop Papers, Short Papers and Poster Papers
- Martin S. Lacher, Georg Groh: “Enabling personal perspectives on heterogeneous information spaces”, Proc. IEEE 10th Intl. Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2001), MIT, Cambridge, USA, 20-22. Jun. 2001.
- Georg Groh: “Modelling Ad-Hoc-Groups in Communities” , Proc. International Workshop “Virtual Communities & Mobility”, 27-28. TU-München, June 2003
- Wolfgang Woerndl, Georg Groh: “A proposal for an agent-based architecture for context-aware personalization in the Semantic Web”, Proc. IJCAI-05 Workshop Multi-Agent Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems, Edinburgh, UK, 2005.
- Clarissa Falge, Ruth Cobos, Georg Groh: “Classification and Ontology Maintenance in Agent-based Knowledge Management Frameworks: A Prototypical Approach” Proc. Intl. Workshop on Social Media Analysis, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 07), November 2007
- Wolfgang Wörndl, Georg Groh: “Utilizing Physical and Social Context to Improve Recommender Systems”, Workshop on Web Personalization and Recommender Systems (WPRS07) In conjunction with the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM Intl. Conf. on Web Intelligence (WI07) and Agent Technology (IAT07), November 2007
- Holger Hanstein, Georg Groh: “Interactive Visualization of Dynamic Social Networks”, Proc. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2008: 929-936
- Georg Groh, Holger Hanstein, Wolfgang Woerndl: “Interactively Visualizing Dynamic Social Networks with DySoN”, Proc. Workshop Visual Interfaces to the Social and the Semantic Web (VISSW 2009), ACM IUI Conf., Sanibel Island, FL, Feb. 2009
- Georg Groh, Verena Rappel: “Towards Demarcation and Modeling of Small Sub-Communities / Groups in P2P Social Networks”, IEEE SIN09@SocialCom09, Vancouver, Canada, August 2009
- Walter Kammergruber, Michele Brocco, Georg Groh, Manfred Langen: “Collaborative Thesaurus Development based on Social Tagging Data”, Proc. Intl. Symposium on Support for Open Innovation Processes 2009, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany, Dec. 2009
- Michele Brocco, Georg Groh: “Contribution Awareness and Fame in Open Innovation Networks”, Proc. Intl. Symposium on Support for Open Innovation Processes 2009, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany, Dec. 2009
- Markus Schmucker, Anna Stark, Michele Brocco, Georg Groh, Sam Zeini: “MeCMS - A Case Study on Open (Source) Innovation”, Proc. Intl. Symposium on Support for Open Innovation Processes 2009, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany, Dec. 2009
- Michael Reinhardt, Marc René Friess, Georg Groh, Michael Amberg, Jochen Hetzenecker: “Fostering Process and Context Support through Social Networking Services on an Open Innovation Platform”, Proc. Intl. Symposium on Support for Open Innovation Processes 2009, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany, Dec. 2009
- Michele Brocco, Georg Groh, Christian Kern: “On the Influence of Social Factors on Team Recommendations”, Second International Workshop on Modeling, Managing and Mining of Evolving Social Networks (M3SN), Co-located with IEEE ICDE 2010, Long Beach, USA, March 2010
- Benedikt Elser, Georg Groh, and Thomas Fuhrmann: “Group Management in P2P Networks”, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Grid and P2P Systems and Applications (GridPeer 2010), Zurich, Switzerland, August 2010
- Jan Hauffa, Gottlieb Bossert, Nadja Richter, Florian Wolf, Nora Liesenfeld and Georg Groh: “Beyond FOAF: Challenges in Characterizing Social Relations”, Proc. IEEE Socialcom2011, Boston, USA
- Georg Groh, Stefan Birnkammerer: “Privacy and Information Markets: Controlling Information Flows in Decentralized Social Networking”, Proc. IEEE Socialcom2011, Boston, USA
- Georg Groh, Christoph Fuchs, Alexander Lehmann: “Combining Evidence for Social Situation Detection”, Proc. IEEE Socialcom2011, Boston, USA
- Piotr Kozikowski and Georg Groh: “Inferring Profile Elements from Publicly Available Social Network Data”, Proc. IEEE Socialcom2011, Boston, USA
- Tim Falkenmayer, Wolfgang Woerndl, Georg Groh “A Mobile Client for Episodic Personal Information Management” HotMobile Workshop 2011
- Halgurt Bapierre, Georg Groh, Stefan Theiner: “A Variable Order Markov Model Approach for Mobility Prediction” Proc. STAMI2011@IJCAI2011, Barcelona, Spain
- Georg Groh, Florian Straub, Benjamin Koster: “Spatio-Temporal Small Worlds for Decentralized Information Retrieval in Social Networking ”, Proc. ACM SIGSPATIAL2012
- Jan Hauffa, Tobias Lichtenberg, Georg Groh: “Towards an NLP-based Topic Characterization of Social Relations ”, Proc. ASE Intl.’ Conf. on Social Informatics, Washington DC, USA, 2012
- Georg Groh, Florian Straub, Johanna Eicher, David Grob: “Geographic Aspects of Tie Strength and Value Of Information in Social Networking”, ACM SIGSPATIAL LBSN 2013, Orlando FL.
- Florian Schulze and Georg Groh: “Studying How Character of Conversation Affects Personal Receptivity to Mobile Notifications”, CHI 2014 Work in Progress Report.
- Nicholas H. Kirk and Guchun Zhang and Georg Groh “Estimating Grammar Correctness for a Priori Estimation of Machine Translation Post-Editing Effort”, Workshop on Humans and Computer-assisted Translation, 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sweden 2014
- Beatrice Lamche and Enrico Pollok and Wolfgang Woerndl and Georg Groh: “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Stereotype User Models for Recommendations on Mobile Devices‘”, PESE 2014
- Niklas Klügel and Gerhard Hagerer and Georg Groh “Designing Sound Collaboratively - Perceptually Motivated Audio Synthesis”, NIME 2014
- Niklas Klügel and Timo Becker and Georg Groh “TreeQuencer: Collaborative Rhythm Sequencing - A Comparative Study”, NIME 2014
- Niklas Klügel and Gerhard Hagerer and Georg Groh “FugueGenerator - Collaborative Melody Composition Based on a Generative Approach for Conveying Emotion in Music”, ICMC/SMC 2014
- Niklas Klügel and Andreas Lindström and Georg Groh “A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Collaborative Music Creation on a Multi-Touch Table”, ICMC/SMC 2014
- Christoph Fuchs and Jan Hauffa and Georg Groh “Does Friendship Matter? An Analysis of Social Ties and Content Relevance in Twitter and Facebook”, KSS Workshop Karlsruhe, 2015
- Christoph Fuchs and Georg Groh “An Attempt to Evaluate Chances and Limitations of Social Information Retrieval”, COLLA 2015, ST Juliens, Malta
- Christoph Fuchs and Georg Groh “Appropriateness of Search Engines, Social Networks, and Directly Approaching Friends to Satisfy Information Needs”SNAA Workshop at ASONAM 2015 Paris 2015
- Hanna Schaefer and Georg Groh and Johann Schlichter and Silvia Kolossa and Hannelore Daniel and Ralf Hecktor and Theresa Greupner “Personalized Food Recommendation” DMRS (International Workshop on Decision Making and Recommender Systems) Workshop Bozen, 2015
- Jan Hauffa, Benjamin Koster, Florian Hartl, Valeria Köllhofer, Georg Groh: “Mining Twitter for an Explanatory Model of Social Influence” SocInf2016@IJCAI2016 2nd International Workshop on Social Influence Analysis
- Schafer, H., Plecher, D., Holzmann, S., Groh, G., Klinker, G., Holzapfel, C., Hauner, H. (2017) \NUDGE - NUtritional, Digital Games in Enable". POSITIVE GAMING - Workshop on Gamification and Games for Wellbeing - CHIPlay 2017
- Schams, S., Hauffa, J., Groh, G.: Analyzing a User's Contributive Social Capital Based on Acitivities in Online Social Networks and Media - OSNED2018@WWW2018, Lyon, France
- Schaefer, Hanna, Mehdi Elahi, David Elsweiler, Georg Groh, Morgan Harvey, Bernd Ludwig, Francesco Ricci, and Alan Said: User Nutrition Modelling and Recommendation: Balancing Simplicity and Complexity. In Adjunct Publication of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization UMAP, pp. 93-96. ACM, 2017
- Aisulu Rakhmetullina, Dietrich Trautmann, Georg Groh: Distant Supervision for Emotion Classication Task using emoji2emotion, Workshop emoji2018@ICWSM2018
- Leipold, N., Madenach, M., Schafer, H., Lurz, M., Terzimehic, N., Groh, G., Bohm, M., Gedrich, K., Krcmar, H.: "Nutrilize a Personalized Nutrition Recommender System: an enable study.", In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems co-located with Twelfth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (HealthRecSys?18), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2018.
- Danner, H, Hagerer, G., Kaschischke, F., Groh, G.: Finding wisdom in the consumer crowd – exploring online comments via content analysis and automated classification using deep neural networks for semantic similarity . In Conference Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research Conference 2019, Atlanta
- Sebastian Schams, Maximilian Schmidt, Jan Hauffa, Georg Groh Market Systems as a Source of Individual Contributive Social Capital Scores Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2019
- Jan Hauffa, Wolfgang Bräu, Georg Groh Detection of Topical Influence in Social Networks via Granger- Causal Inference: A Twitter Case Study Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (Workshop on Social Influence)
- Jan Hauffa, Georg Groh A Comparative Temporal Analysis of User-Content-Interaction in Social Me- dia Proceedings of SIDEWAYS 2019: Workshop on Social Media World Sensors at ACM Hypertext 2019
- Danner, H., Hagerer, G., Kasischke, F., and Groh, G. (2019). Finding Wisdom in the Consumer Crowd–Exploring Online Comments Via Content Analysis and Automated Classification Using Deep Neural Networks For Semantic Similarity. ACR North American Advances
- Wich, M., Bauer, J., and Groh, G. (2020, November). Impact of politically biased data on hate speech classification. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (pp. 54-64).
- Al Kuwatly, H., Wich, M., and Groh, G. (2020, November). Identifying and measuring annotator bias based on annotators’ demographic characteristics. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (pp. 184-190).
- Wich, M., Al Kuwatly, H., and Groh, G. (2020, November). Investigating Annotator Bias with a Graph- Based Approach. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (pp. 191-199).
Refereed Talks
- Georg Groh “Privacy Matters for Location Based Community Services” Proc. German Online Research 2004 (GOR04), Duisburg, Germany, March 2004
- Georg Groh, Karlheinz Toni, Wolfgang Wörndl: “Foundations of the Semantic Web”, Reviewed 4 hour tutorial at the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-22. October 2005
- Georg Groh, Florian Straub: “Kollaboratives raum-zeitliches P2P-Information Retrieval als Grundlage für innovative LBS-Anwendungen im alpinen Raum?”, Proc. AHORN 09, ETH-Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, Nov 2009
- Sophie L. Holzmann, Felicitas Dischl, Hanna Schafer, David A. Plecher, Gudrun Klinker, Georg Groh, Hans Hauner, Christina Holzapfel : Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Jugendlichen zu deren Wuenschen, Motiven und Beduerfnissen im Hinblick auf Ernaehrungskommunikation und digitales Spielen, Talk DGE Kongress 2017
- Sophie Laura Holzmann, Hanna Schafer, Nadja Terzimehic, Nadja Leipold, Lukas Navickas, Markus Boehm, Georg Groh, Helmut Krcmar, Hans Hauner, Christina Holzapfel: The Wisdom of Crowds- Survey: Digitale Bewertung von Mahlzeitenfotos nach naehrwertspezifischen Kriterien, Talk DGE Kongress 2018
Refereed Journal-Papers
- G.Groh, H.J.Korsch, W.Schweizer: “Phase space entropies and global quantum phase space organization: a two dimensional anharmonic system”, J. Phys. A 31(1998)6897-6910
- Wolfgang Woerndl, Georg Groh, Aleksandar Hristov: “Individual and Social Recommendations for Mobile Semantic Personal Information Management, International Journal on Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 2 Nr. 2, 2009
- Georg Groh, Florian Straub: “An Architecture for an Alternative, Multi-Agent-Based Information Retrieval Approach with Spatio-Temporal Primary Classification Criterion”, GIS.Science Journal, 02/2010
- Georg Groh, Adolf Winteler: “Die Wirksamkeit von Einlese-Zeit auf die Ergebnisse in Hochschulprüfungen”, Zeitschrift Das Hochschulwesen, 03/2010, Universiätsverlag Webler, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2010
- Georg Groh and Christoph Fuchs: “Multi-modal Social Networks for Modeling Scientific Fields”, Scientometrics 80(3), 2011
- Marc René Frieß and Georg Groh and Michael Reinhardt and Florian Forster and Johann Schlichter: “Context-Aware Creativity Support for Corporate Open Innovation”, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, 2(1), 38-55, January-March 2012
- Michael Reinhardt, Martin Wiener, Marc René Frieß, Georg Groh, Michael Amberg: “Social Software Support for Collaborative Innovation Development within Organizations”, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, 2(1), 56-76, January-March 2012
- Georg Groh and Alexander Lehmann: Deducing evidence for social situations from dynamic geometric interaction data, Int. J. Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems, Volume 1, Number 2, 2011, pp. 206 - 222, (Invited journal contribution based on Georg Groh, Alexander Lehmann, Jonas Reimers, Rene Friess, Loren Schwarz: “Detecting Social Situations from Interaction Geometry”, Proc. IEEE SocialCom 2010, Minneapolis USA, August 2010 )
- Marc René Frieß, Georg Groh, Niklas Klügel and Martin Kleinhans: A Tabletop Application Environment for Generic Creativity Techniques, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. (checked October 2012). Volume 4, 2012, pp. 55-65. (Invited journal contribution based on Rene Friess, Martin Kleinhans, Florian Forster, Florian Echtler, Georg Groh: “A Tabletop Interface For Generic Creativity Techniques”, Proc. Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2010 (IHCI2010) Freiburg, Germany, July 2010)
- Marc René Frieß, Georg Groh, Niklas Klügel, and Martin Kleinhans: “An Analysis Framework for Quantitatively Characterizing Collaboration in Tabletop Based CSCW Environments”, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. Volume 4, 2012, pp. 341-351.
- Christoph Fuchs, Georg Groh: Data Sharing Sensitivity, Relevance, and Social Traits in Social Information Retrieval", International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber Physical Systems, 2017
- Hanna Schaefer, Georg Groh, David Plecher, Gudrun Klinker, Mira Madenach, Kurt Gedrich, Nadja Terzimehic, Nadja Leipold, Markus Boehm: Smart Personalized Nutrition aus der Perspektive soziotechnischer Systeme. FoodLab 04/2016 p50-55
- Holzmann, S. L., Schäfer, H., Groh, G., Plecher, D. A., Klinker, G., Schauberger, G., Hauner, H., and Holzapfel, C. (2019). Short-Term Effects of the Serious Game Fit, Food, Fun: Nutritional Knowledge: A Pilot Study among Children and Adolescents. Nutrients, 11(9):2031.
- Holzmann, S. L., Dischl, F., Schäfer, H., Groh, G., Hauner, H., and Holzapfel, C. (2019). Digital Gaming for Nutritional Education: A Survey on Preferences, Motives, and Needs of Children and Adolescents. JMIR Form Res, 3(1):e10284, ISSN: 2561-326X, DOI: 10.2196/10284,
- Holzmann, S. L., Schaefer, H., Groh, G., Plecher, D. A., Klinker, G., Schauberger, G., Hauner, H., and Holzapfel, C. (2020). Effects of the Digital Game Fit, Food, Funo¨n Nutritional Knowledge: A Pilot Study among German Children and Adolescents. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 79(OCE2):E525, DOI: 10.1017/S0029665120004747
- Holzmann, S. L., Scha¨fer, H., Plecher, D. A., Stecher, L., Klinker, G. J., Groh, G., Hauner, H., and Holzapfel, C. (2020). Serious Games for Nutritional Education: Online Survey on Preferences, Mo- tives, and Behaviors Among Young Adults at University. JMIR Serious Games, 8(2):e16216, ISSN: 2291-9279, DOI: 10.2196/16216
Contributions in Books
- G.Groh, J.Schlichter: “Technische und konzeptuelle Modelle für (mobile) Communities” in Reichwald et. al. (Eds.): ”Community Services: Lifestyle“, Eul Verlag, Germany, 2005
- Georg Groh, Michele Brocco, Yonata Andrelo Asikin: “Contribution Awareness and Fame in Open Innovation Networks” in Hoppe et al (Eds.): IT Support for Open Innovation, Eul-Verlag, Germany, 2010
- Michele Brocco, Georg Groh, Markus Schmucker, Anna Stark, Sam Zeini: “MeCMS - A Case study on Open (Source) Innovation” in Hoppe et al (Eds.): IT Support for Open Innovation, Eul-Verlag, Germany, 2010
- Walter Christian Kammergruber, Michele Brocco, Georg Groh, Manfred Langen: “Collaborative Lightweight Ontologies in Open Innovation-Networks” in Hoppe et al (Eds.): IT Support for Open Innovation, Eul-Verlag, Germany, 2010
- Michael Reinhardt, Marc Rene’ Frieß, Georg Groh, Michael Amberg: “Fostering Process and Context Support through Social Networking Services on an Open Innovation Platform” in Hoppe et al (Eds.): IT Support for Open Innovation, Eul-Verlag, Germany, 2010
- Georg Groh and Stefan Birnkammerer and Valeria Köllhofer: “Social Recommender Systems” in Jose J. Pazos Arias et al (Eds.): “Recommender Systems for the Social Web” Springer, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Volume 32, 2011
Talks on Invitation
- Georg Groh: “Ortsbezug in kontext-sensitiven Diensten für mobile Communities” (Spatial References in´Context-Aware Services for Mobile Communities), 8. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar Geo-Informationssysteme, TU München, Munich, Germany, March 2003
- Georg Groh, Christian Hillebrand “Mobile Dienste für Communities – das Forschungsprojekt COSMOS‘”, Presentation at the Cebit 2003, Hannover, Germany, 2003
- Georg Groh “Grundlagen des Semantic Web” (Foundations of the Semantic Web), Introductory talk at the 13th meeting of the Munich Knowledge Management Circle (MKMK), Munich, Germany, Feb. 2005
- Georg Groh “Ad-Hoc-Groups in Mobile Communities”, Talk at the Cebit Asia, Shanghai, China, May 12, 2005
- Georg Groh “Location Based Services: Lokalisierungsverfahren und Bedeutung für die mobilen Dienste im Projekt COSMOS”, Referee- and Background-Presentation at the Businessplan-Contest, TU München, Germany, Nov 2005
- Georg Groh “Using context models and models for contextually instantiated social relations for mobile social computing services”, Invited Talk, Web Mining 2.0 Workshop co-located with the 18th European Conference on Machine Learning / 11th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD), Warshaw, Poland, Sept. 2007
- Georg Groh: “Geometry of Interaction: Detecting Social Context on Small Spatio-temporal Scales”, Talk at Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie, ETH Zurich, GEOMATIK Kolloqium, April 2011
- Georg Groh: “Social Dynamics on Small Spatial and Temporal Scales: Detecting Social Situations with Pragmatic Mobile Social Signal Processing”, Talk at the Dagstuhl Seminar 11451 ’Data Mining, Networks and Dynamics’, November, 2011
- Georg Groh: “ Social Situations and Co-Activity Detection” Talk at the Dagstuhl Seminar 12492 ’Human Activity Recognition in Smart Environments’, December, 2012
- Georg Groh: “Social Computing and Social Media: Science and Society” November 2012 Talk at Munich Data Geeks Meeting
- Georg Groh: ”Social Computing and Social Media: Science and Society” October 2013 “Highlight Lecture” for first semester students (on invitation of Fachschaft Mathematik/Informatik/Physik)
- Georg Groh, Jan Hauffa: ”Models of Topical Social Influence in Social Media”, Februar 2015, Talk at CIS NLP Lunch, LMU, on invitation of Prof Schuetze
- Georg Groh: "Raubbau im Okosystem der Daten? Welche (Missbrauchs-)Moeglichkeiten bietet Data-Mining in Social Media oder anderen personlichen Datenraumen? Ringvorlesung Umwelt SS 2016, TUM
- Georg Groh: Sociotechnical Systems Perspective on Smart Personalized Nutrition (Smart Personalized Nutrition aus der Perspektive soziotechnischer Systeme) Workshop Food 2030: Die Zukunft der Ernaehrung im Zeitalter der Konnektivitaet, Institute of Advanced Studies TUM, Dezember 2016
- Georg Groh: "Data-Mining in Social Media", Talk at the IHK Bayern IuK Group Meeting, Nov 21, 2017.
Technical Reports and Other Papers
- Michael Koch, Georg Groh, Christian Hillebrand, Natalie Fremuth: “Mobile Support for Lifestyle Communities”, Arbeitsbericht Nr. 34, Lehrstuhl für allgemeine und angewandte Betriebswirtschaftslehre, hrsg. v. R. Reichwald, ISSN: 0942-5098, TU-München, Germany, Nov. 2002.
- Georg Groh, Michael Koch: “Server-Technologien und Personalisierung für mobile Communities” in ’Community Online Services and Mobile Solutions - Projektstartbericht des Verbundvorhabens COSMOS’, Tech.-Report TUM-I0105, Institut für Informatik, TU-München, Germany, Oct. 2001
- Georg Groh, Christian Hillebrand “LBCS – Location Based Community Services: Proactive LBS Services for Mobile Communities in the Research Project COSMOS”, Tech.-Report TUM-I0408, Insititut für Informatik, TU-München, May 2004
- Lars Nagel, Georg Groh, Michael Berger, Michael Pirker: “Sensor Data Processing for Ubiqitous Computing Scenarios”, Tech.-Report TUM-I0617, Institut für Informatik, TU-München, Germany, Oct. 2006
- Georg Groh: “3D-Beans - A Component-System for 3D-Graphics with Java3D and JavaBeans”, Project Report, 38 Pages, Institut für Informatik, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Jun. 1999
- Georg Groh: “Ubiquitous, Wearable and Affective Computing - New Ways in Context-Sensitive Human Computer Interaction?”, Seminar-Report, 46 pages, Institut für Informatik, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Jun. 1999
- Stefan Birnkammerer, Wolfgang Woerndl, Georg Groh: “Recommending for Groups in Decentralized Collaborative Filtering”, Tech-Report TUMI0927, Nov. 2009
- Bry et al. (Eds.): “Digital Social Media Dagstuhl Manifesto”. Manifesto of the Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop Digital Social Networks, March 2010
- Georg Groh, Alexander Lehmann: “A New Data-Set for Research on Audio-Detection and Modeling of Social Micro-Contexts”, Tech.-Report TUM-I1011, Institut für Informatik, TU-München, Germany, May 2010
- Georg Groh, Philip Daubmeier: “State of the Art in Mobile Social Networking on the Web”, Tech.-Report TUM-I1014, Institut für Informatik, TU-München, Germany August 2010
- Michele Brocco, Georg Groh: “Team Recommender für Open Innovation Netzwerke”, BVDW (Bundesverband der digitalen Wirtschaft) Report “Open Innovation Kompass”, Düsseldorf, Germany 2010,
- Markus Schmucker, Michele Brocco, Sam Zeini, Georg Groh, Christian Reinking: “Produktentwicklung mit Open Innovation”, BVDW (Bundesverband der digitalen Wirtschaft) Report “Open Innovation Kompass”, Düsseldorf, Germany 2010
- Georg Groh, Florian Straub, Andreas Donaubauer, Benjamin Koster: “Space and Time as a Primary Classification Criterion for Information Retrieval in Distributed Social Networking”, Online via (checked October 2012), 2011
- Georg Groh, Michele Brocco and Andreas Kleemann: “Interest-Based vs. Social Person-Recommenders in Social Networking Platforms”, Preprint: (checked October 2012), 2011
- Georg Groh, Florian Straub, Benjamin Koster: “Spatio-Temporal Small Worlds for Decentralized Information Retrieval in Social Networking ”, long version of {Georg Groh, Florian Straub, Benjamin Koster: “Spatio-Temporal Small Worlds for Decentralized Information Retrieval in Social Networking ”, Proc. ACM SIGSPATIAL2012}, Online via (checked October 2012), 2012
- Jan Hauffa, Tobias Lichtenberg, Georg Groh (2013): “An evaluation of keyword extraction from online communication for the characterisation of social relations” Online via (checked January 2014)
- Daniel Raumer, Christoph Fuchs, Georg Groh (2014): ”Reaching Consensus Among Mobile Agents: A Distributed Protocol for the Detection of Social Situations´´ Online via (checked October 2014)
- Halgurt Bapierre, Chakajkla Jesdabodi, Georg Groh (2015) ”Mobile Homophily and Social Location Prediction´´ Online via (checked October 2015)
- Christoph Fuchs, Akash Nayyar, Ruth Nussbaumer and Georg Groh: “Estimating the Dissemination of Social and Mobile Search in Categories of Information Needs Using Websites as Proxies” Arxiv 2016: Online via (checked October 2015)
- Adnan Akhundov, Dietrich Trautmann, Georg Groh: Sequnece Labeling - A Practical Approach, arXiv August 2018 Online via http: // (checked October 2018)
- Sebastian Schams and Georg Groh: Contributive Social Capital Extraction From Different Types of Online Data Sources , arXiv, May 2018, online via (checked February 2019)
Short CV
- 1997: Diploma in theoretical Physics, University of Kaiserlautern
- 2001: Diploma in Computer Science, University of Hamburg, TUM, University of Kaiserlautern
- 2005: PhD in Informatics, "Ad-Hoc Groups in Mobile Communities: Detection, Modeling and Applications", TUM
- 2012: Habilitation in Informatics, "Contextual Social Networking", TUM
2014: Offer for a W2-Professorship for socio-technical systems at TH Köln (declined in favor of tenure as ‘Akdemischer Rat auf Lebenszeit’ at TUM
since 2016: Leader of the Research Group Social Computing at the Faculty of Informatics, TUM
2020: Appointment as TUM Adjunct Professor (‘außerplanmäßiger Professor’) at the Faculty for Informatics, TUM