Hanna Schäfer
Prof. Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc.

- E-Mail: schaeferhannaj(AT)gmail.com
- Skype: live:2cc4e73e21333dfe
- Other Websites: LinkedIn, Google Scholar
- Author IDs: ORCID: 0000-0002-6840-5341 Scopus Author ID: 56699450200, ResearcherID: R-3492-2016
This list is not updated anymore!
- Hanna Schäfer, and Martijn Willemsen: "Rasch-based Tailored Goals for Nutrition Assistance System.", ACM IUI, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 2019
- Hanna Schäfer, Joachim Bachner, Sebastian Pretscher, Georg Groh, and Yolanda Demetriou: "Study on Motivating Physical Activity in Children with Personalized Gamified Feedback.", ACM UMAP, Singapore, Singapore, 2018. PDF
- Leipold, N., Madenach, M., Schäfer, H., Lurz, M., Terzimehić, N., Groh, G., Böhm, M., Gedrich, K., Krcmar, H.: "Nutrilize a Personalized Nutrition Recommender System: an enable study.", In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems co-located with Twelfth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (HealthRecSys’18), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2018 PDF
- Schäfer, H., Plecher, D., Holzmann, S., Groh, G., Klinker, G., Holzapfel, C., Hauner, H. (2017) "NUDGE - NUtritional, Digital Games in Enable.", POSITIVE GAMING - Workshop on Gamification and Games for Wellbeing, CHIPlay, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017 PDF
- Sailer, M., Schäfer, H. & Groh, G., (2017). Group Motivation for Social Games. In: Burghardt, M., Wimmer, R., Wolff, C. & Womser-Hacker, C. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2017 - Tagungsband. Regensburg: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..(S. 351-354). PDF
- Hanna Schäfer, Mehdi Elahi, David Elsweiler, Georg Groh, Morgan Harvey, Bernd Ludwig, Francesco Ricci, and Alan Said: "User Nutrition Modelling and Recommendation-Balancing Simplicity and Complexity", ACM UMAP, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2017 PDF
- Hanna Schäfer, Santiago Hors-Fraile, Raghav Pavan Karumur, André Calero Valdez, Alan Said, Helma Torkamaan, Tom Ulmer, and Christoph Trattner: "Towards Health (Aware) Recommender Systems", ACM Digital Health, London, UK, 2017 PDF
- Nađa Terzimehić, Nadja Leipold, Hanna Schäfer, Mira Madenach, Markus Böhm, Georg Groh, and Kurt Gedrich: "Can an Automated Personalized Nutrition Assistance System Successfully Change Nutrition Behavior?-Study Design", ICIS, Dublin, Ireland, 2016 PDF
- Hanna Schäfer, Georg Groh, David Plecher, Gudrun Klinker, Mira Madenach, Kurt Gedrich, Nađa Terzimehić, Nadja Leipold, and Markus Böhm: "Smart Personalized Nutrition aus der Perspektive soziotechnischer Systeme", FoodLab Magazin, 2016 PDF
- Hanna Schaefer: "Personalized Support for Healthy Nutrition Decisions", RecSys'16 Doctoral Consortium, Boston, MA, USA, 2016 PDF
- Hanna Schaefer, Georg Groh, Johann Schlichter, Silvia Kolossa, Hannelore Daniel, Ralf Hecktor and Theresa Greupner: "Personalized Food Recommendation", DMRS (International Workshop on Decision Making and Recommender Systems) Workshop, Bozen, 2015 PDF
- H. Schafer, J. L. Viegas, M. C. Ferreira, S. M. Vieira and J. M. C. Sousa: "Analysing the segmentation of energy consumers using mixed fuzzy clustering", Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, Istanbul, 2015, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2015.7338120 PDF
- Ferreira, M. C., Salgado, C. M., Viegas, J. L., Schafer, H., Azevedo, C. S., Vieira, S. M., & Sousa, J.: "Fuzzy modeling based on Mixed Fuzzy Clustering for health care applications", Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, Istanbul, 2015, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2015.7338028 PDF
- F. Dias, H. Schafer, L. Natal and C. Cardeira, "Mobile Robot Localisation for Indoor Environments Based on Ceiling Pattern Recognition," Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, Vila Real, 2015, pp. 65-70. doi: 10.1109/ICARSC.2015.32 PDF
- Siming Chen, Cong Guo, Xiaoru Yuan, Fabian Merkle, Hanna Schaefer and Thomas Ertl: "OCEANS: online collaborative explorative analysis on network security", Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec'14), Pages 1-8, Paris, France, Nov.10, 2014. PDF
- Siming Chen, Fabian Merkle, Hanna Schafer, Hongwei Ai, Cong Guo, Xiaoru Yuan and Thomas Ertl: "AnNetTe - Visual Analytics for Network Security Data", In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST Challenge), Award of Outstanding Situation Awareness, 2013. PDF
- David Elsweiler, Bernd Ludwig, Alan Said, Hanna Schäfer, Helma Torkamaan, and Christoph Trattner: "Third International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems (HealthRecSys 2018)", RecSys ’18, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2018
- David Elsweiler, Santiago Hors-Fraile, Bernd Ludwig, Alan Said, Hanna Schäfer, Christoph Trattner, Helma Torkamaan, and André Calero Valdez: "Second Workshop on Health Recommender Systems (HealthRecSys 2017)", RecSys'17, Como, Italy, 2017
- David Elsweiler, Bernd Ludwig, Alan Said, Hanna Schaefer, and Christoph Trattner: "Engendering Health with Recommender Systems", RecSys'16, Boston, MA, USA, 2016
Sophie L Holzmann, Hanna Schäfer, Nađa Terzimehić, Nadja Leipold, Lukas Navickas, Markus Böhm, Georg Groh, Helmut Krcmar, Hans Hauner1, Christina Holzapfel "„The Wisdom of Crowds“-Survey: Digitale Bewertung von Mahlzeitenfotos nach nährwertspezifischen Kriterien", DGE Kongress, Stuttgart, Germany, 2018
Mira Madenach, Hanna Schäfer, Nadja Leipold, Markus Böhm, Georg Groh, Kurt Gedrich "Smartphone Applikation mit automatisierten personalisierten Ernährungsempfehlungen - Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie", Max Rubner Conference, Karlsruhe, 2017
Sophie L. Holzmann, Felicitas Dischl, Hanna Schäfer, David Plecher, Gudrun Klinker, Georg Groh, Hans Hauner, Christina Holzapfel: "Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Jugendlichen zu deren Wünschen, Motiven und Bedürfnissen im Hinblick auf Ernährungskommunikation und digitales Spielen", DGE Kongress, Kiel, Germany, 2017
Invited Talks
- Hanna Schäfer, Cristina Rico García: "IoT for the Kitchen of the Future", Bozen, Italy, 2016
Supervised Theses
- BA Bettina Noglik: "Games-Concepts Supporting Adolescents' Health via Exercising", 2015
- BA Julius Appelhagen: "Sports- and Activity-Recommender-Systems for Overweight Adolescents", 2015
- BA RamonaSchneider: "Pragmatic Content Based Food Recommender Systems for Depressive Overweight Adolescents", 2015
- BA Minh Chaulu: "Socio-Technical Support for Group Motivation Processes", 2015
- MA Ralf Hecktor: "Personalized Food Recommender Systems", 2015
- MA Sizhe Huang: "Social Motivation for Healthy Living by Individual and Shared Game Concepts", 2016
- BA David Otter: "Designing a Group Recommender System for Healthy Nutrition", 2016
- BA Tanja Müller: "Effects of Social Motivation by Individual and Shared Challenges Related to Healthy Living", 2016
- BA Fangda Zuo: "Evaluation of Motivation Concepts to Improve Active Participation in Fitness Game", 2016
- BA Felix Schober: "Evaluation and Implementation of Computer Vision Concepts for Image Recognition of Food Items Using Deep Learning and SVMs", 2016
- BA Maximilian Walther: "Socio-Technical Support of Group Creation and Group Management", 2016
- BA Andreas Greger: "Improvement of Recommender Systems through User Feedback", 2016
- MA Ivan Petrov: "Implementation and Evaluation of an Engaging Mobile Interaction Design for a Dietary Intake Tracking Application", 2016
- MA Mahmoud Ezzeldin: "Motivation for Healthy Living by User to User Feedback", 2016
- BA Lukas Foegelle: "Knowledge-based Recommendation Systems for Fitness", 2016
- BA Armin Woerner: "Development of a Serious Games Platform with a Central Avatar Concept", 2016
- BA Benedikt Specht: "Automated Retrieval of Nutritional Information for Different Food Databases", 2016
- BA Christian Schnelzer: "Sequences and Diversity in Nutrition Recommender Systems", 2016
- BA Katharina Bause: "Design Concepts for improving Motivational Effects in an Avatar Based Educational Games Platform", 2016
- MA Sebastian Pretscher: "Tracking and Recognition of Movement Activity Using a Smartphone", 2016
- BA Alexander Prams: "Evaluation of Different Concepts for the Automated Retrieval of Food Serving Sizes", 2016
- IDP Ding Liu: "Nutritional Information and Documentation through Mobile Systems", 2016
- BA Khac Thanh-An Le: "Social Motivation for Healthy Living by an Avatar Based Educational Games Platform", 2016
- MA Georg Wagner: "Evaluation and Implementation of Usability Features for a Nutrition Recommender System", 2016
- BA Adrian Loher: "Motivation within a Serious Games Platform Using Social Network Elements", 2017
- BA Lukas Frenzel: "Design and Evaluation of a User Interface for Recipe Recommendations in a Mobile Application", 2017
- BA Michael Sailer: "Group Motivation and Interaction Patterns for Social Games", 2017
- MA Tomas Ladek: "User Motivation using Nudging and Explanations", 2017
- MA Philipp Brunenberg: "Knowledge Discovery in textual Databases for enhancing the automatic Calculation of nutritional Values for online-based Food Recipes", 2017
- BA Joonas Palm "Methods for Refactoring and Optimizing large Legacy Software Systems". 2017
- BA Tomáš Polácek "Evaluation of Motivational Elements in a Social Platform for Nutrition". 2017
- BA Maximilian Mayer "Evaluation of Motivational Processes using a Social Nutrition Game", 2017
- MA Mark Budiak "Automated Classification and Tagging of Online Recipes", 2017
- MA Laura Ramirez "Implementation of User Preference Models from Food Diaries", 2017
- BA Linus Kienmoser "Integration von Verhaltensänderungsmodellen in Ernährungsempfehlungssystemen", 2017
- BA Camille Mainz "Interactive Visualization of Phases in Behaviour Change Models", 2017
- GR Michael Sailer "Study Methodology for Social Aspects in Serious Games", 2017
- MA Alexandra Brandl "Design and Evaluation of Educational Elements in a Serious Game on Nutrition", 2017
- BA Felix Drost "Intelligent Retrieval of Nutritional Data for Supermarket Products", 2018
- MA Csongor Varady "Uncertainty Modelling for Healthy Nutrition Models", 2018
- MA Michaela Mohl "Machine Learning of Motivational and Behavior Change Stages from Nutritional Diaries", 2018
- BA Katarina Weber: "Design and Evaluation of a Serious Game concerning Increase of Knowledge and Motivation",
- BA Alexander Borchers: "Evaluation and Analysis of the Usability of a Serious Game about Nutrition", 2018
- MA Tobias Weiher: "Design and Evaluation of Building Blocks for a Serious Nutrition Games Platform", 2018
- BA Sarah Di Mango: "Evaluation of a Serious Game on Healthy Nutrition regarding Motivation and Knowledge Gain", 2018
- BA Florentin Wieser: "Analysis of Interaction Patterns in Healthy Eating Applications", 2018
- MA Maria Dubińska: "Evaluation of Healthy Eating Recommendations regarding Novelty and Diversity over Time", 2018